Session 1 – The Framing of Fast Rock

For countless centuries, there have been many planes of existence that have existed throughout time.  The Astral Plane, The Ethereal Plane, The Feywild, The Plane of Shadow, and so much more.  Each plane of existence has its own rules and deep rich history.  Countless stories of heroism and bravery have been told from these planes, each story being an anthology in its own right.  Stories that will surely stand against the test of time.  But what if there was a new plane of existence?  What if there was a completely brand-new world that was ripe and ready for the taking?  A place where stories were yet to be told?  A place where only on the surface were things yet to be discovered?  Welcome to the mystical land of Kana: the land of life and beginnings.  

Rumours have it that the Realm of Kana is larger than almost any plane that has been discovered so far.  Icy tundras up to the north, tropical archipelagoes to the south.  Mysterious jungles to the east and wide open plains to the west.   Explorers say that not even a fourth of Kana has been fully explored.  With such a vast land rich with its own history, what stories have yet to unfold?

Well, to answer that, this is a story of five adventurers who would one day become the greatest heroes to walk the face of Kana. Their legendary feats would be forever remembered in the halls of history as each hero was personally selected by God.  However, who would have thought that God himself chose them by accident?

Oh uh forgive me. It seems that I have the wrong DM notes open.  Wrong campaign sorry.  Your story unfortunately does not start here.  Oh no no no.  A fortunate encounter?  Being upheld as prophesied heroes?  Nah.  You guys don’t get any of that.  Not because it’s not possible.  But because you are all tied down by something much greater.  And I do mean literally, you are restricted.  

In rough waters and treacherous waters, a massive Galleon is put to the test; its sturdy frame battered by the relentless force of the sea. Waves crash against the hull with thunderous roars, sending plumes of spray cascading over the deck. The ship pitches and rolls with each swell, its timbers groaning under the strain.

The sky above is dark and brooding, heavy clouds obscuring the moon and casting an ominous pall over the roiling waters. Lightning danced across the horizon, illuminating the tumultuous scene with jagged flashes of brilliance, while thunder rumbled in the distance like the growl of some ancient leviathan.

On deck, sailors cling to rigging and railings, their movements determined but precarious as they battle against the elements. Every movement is a battle against the relentless onslaught of wind and wave, each step precarious on the slick and heaving deck. The air is thick with the stench of salt and seaweed, mingling with the sharp tang of ozone from the lightning strikes.

Below deck, the chaos is no less intense as the ship’s interior becomes a cacophony of creaking timbers and crashing waves. Lanterns swing wildly from their mounts, casting erratic shadows across the cramped quarters. Hammocks sway dangerously, threatening to spill their occupants onto the hard wooden floor with each violent lurch of the ship.

Despite the danger and uncertainty, there’s a sense of camaraderie among the crew as they work together to weather the storm. Voices shout orders above the roar of the tempest, their words barely audible over the din. Through sheer determination and skill, they navigate the treacherous waters, their eyes fixed on the distant horizon as they strive to ride out the fury of the sea.

And this is where our adventure REALLY starts, deep in the bowels of the ship, where our adventurers currently lay prone. It was dark and damp in the cells where the five adventurers slowly regained consciousness, the cold stone sending shivers running through their bodies. Poly, sharing her cell with Sycrus, nudged him awake with her foot, an urgency in her movements. With confusion etched on his face, Sycrus winced at the sharp sound of impact reverberating in the silence.

Malachai, in the adjacent cell, observed the commotion with a mixture of concern and amusement. He noticed Poly’s growing annoyance as she rattled her chains, her frustration echoing through the stone corridors. Attempting to hide, he clumsily ducked behind a cell bar, though his efforts were far from discreet. In fact, I would go so far as to say that he was an idiot.

Sycrus, now fully awake, examined the shackles that bound him, inching toward the corner of his cell in search of answers. Meanwhile, Malachai shuffled to the nearest wall, avoiding any further interaction. The stillness was broken as Voltin and Ver’An stirred in their own confines, each grappling with the remnants of sleep and the strange reality of their imprisonment.

Memories flickered back to Ver’An, recalling a moment of bliss interrupted by chaos, a doughy snack abandoned in the face of danger. One by one, the adventurers began to piece together their predicament, introducing themselves through shared glances and subtle gestures.

Determined to escape, they started pulling at their chains, the futile struggle resulting in strained muscles and desperate grunts. The clash of metal echoed their collective ineptitude, intelligence clearly overshadowed by raw instinct. Malachai, recognizing the futility of their efforts, ultimately resigned himself to a quiet corner.

Suddenly, four sailors appeared, each dressed in matching blue and white outfits, their caps tilted at jaunty angles. They surveyed the cells with smug satisfaction, led by Mickey, whose mocking demeanour set the tone for the encounter. Each adventurer faced a barrage of derisive comments, the sailors’ laughter resonating through the stone walls.

As the accusations of smuggling Fast Rock flew, confusion washed over the adventurers. Poly, seizing the moment, deployed her charms, weaving a web of persuasion aimed at the three subordinate sailors. Mickey’s gaze, however, lingered on Ver’An, clearly captivated by his presence. Malachai, sensing an opportunity, planted seeds of dissent in Nicki, stirring discontent against his brother.

Slowly, favour began to shift, alliances forming amid the tension, and a plan began to take shape. The group decided to feign an emergency, convincing the sailors that Voltin was about to self-destruct. With urgency, the guards rushed in, opening Voltin’s cell and allowing Mickey access.

As chaos erupted, Malachai aimed a magical weapon at Mickey, intent on subduing the sailor. The shot went astray, but a glancing blow left its mark, further escalating the turmoil.

In the midst of the fray, a sudden realization struck Ver’An—teleportation. With determination, he misty-stepped out of his cell, followed swiftly by Poly, who joined the fray, battling for the keys.

The clash intensified. The adventurers’ lack of coordination was evident in every strike, yet sheer willpower propelled them forward. In the chaotic melee, they finally managed to overpower Mickey, securing their chance at freedom.

With Mickey subdued, the remaining sailors faltered, uncertainty written across their faces. The adventurers stood united, ready to embrace the freedom they fought so hard to achieve.

Credit to @Hoshihoku69 on Twitter for his introduction (writing and reading) as well as being the DM for this campaign!

Players: @Jihyeandkorea, @glitched_astral, @DFrozenGrave, and @Eugo_La_Raviaz_ on Twitter

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