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Eorininal (Children’s Day)

Children hold a special place in every society, and in Korea, their importance is celebrated with immense joy and fervour on Children’s Day. This cherished holiday, known as 어린이날 (Eorininal) in Korean, is a time to honour and appreciate the innocence, happiness, and potential of children. Let’s explore the significance, traditions, and festivities surrounding Children’s Day in Korea.

The origins of Children’s Day in Korea can be traced back to ancient times when various cultures celebrated rites of passage and blessings for children’s growth and prosperity. The modern observance of Children’s Day in Korea dates back to May 1, 1922, when the first Children’s Day was officially proclaimed during the Korean Empire era. Over the years, the holiday has evolved to become a cherished tradition celebrated by families, schools, and communities across the country.

Schools and childcare centres organize various events and performances to entertain and delight the children. These may include talent shows, arts and crafts activities, storytelling sessions, and outdoor games. It’s a time for children to showcase their talents, creativity, and boundless energy.

Families often plan outings or picnics to popular attractions such as parks, zoos, or amusement parks, creating lasting memories together. It’s a day for parents to bond with their children, away from the usual routines and stresses of daily life.

Children’s Day in Korea receives strong support from the government, which recognizes the importance of investing in the well-being and future of children. This has become an extremely ‘hot’ topic in Korea due to the rapidly decreasing birthrate and impending labour shortage it has created. Various initiatives and policies are implemented to promote child welfare, education, and healthcare, ensuring that every child has access to opportunities for growth and development.

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